Saturday, August 27, 2011

Damsels in Distress?

When I posted this earlier, the image didn't link to a full size version which made me very :(. I'm very computer literate, but anyway...

I wanted to keep going on this one but I need to move on with my weekend! It was too much fun. :) Thanks, Jenny, for setting this up.

Lizards: Jenny Sherman

Here are my happy drunken drinking lizards! wewt!

Cham E. Leon

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lizards: Natalie Xavier

Thanks Jenny for starting this up!

I adapted a previous piece of mine to work with the Kickoff Theme.

Come on, Workshop Friends, get moving! Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kickoff Theme: LIZARDS!

This week's theme is LIZARDS!
Welcome everyone to the new collaborative art blog!
Every two weeks we will have a new theme. The artists will submit a drawing, sketch, cg model, painting, photo of clay models, etc etc etc that have to do with the current theme. Woo hoo!
- Make sure to add your name to the tags/labels so in the future you can be searched for based on your name
-Feel free to self promote when you post a drawing!
-You may interpret the theme however you want, though make sure there is SOME resemblance to the theme.
-Have fun.
- unicorns.
